Smith Chiropractic Blog

What If It Gets Worse?

We get phone calls from people who want to know if we can fix it. I understand that because nobody wants to be hurt, nobody wants to be injured. People get tired of taking drugs and medication because they aren’t working. How many Advil can you take before you realize the headache is not going…

Body Heals Itself Naturally

Have you ever had a broken bone, maybe a bad cut or an abrasion, anything like that? The question I have for you is once you have that what happens next? Did you heal or do you still have that broken bone? I would suggest that you healed without even thinking about it because what…

No Proof Adjustments Work? Seeing is Believing!

How do you know if your adjustments work? In our office, we take detailed electronic measurements, as well as physical exam measurements, and case history measurements. We do a unique service, a motion study of a set of X-rays that help us to do an analysis and identify exactly which vertebrae are out of position,…

Hey Dr. Eric, What Did I do?

Wanna know a secret? Every day in practice, I have people who come to see me and they say, “Dr. Smith, I woke up this morning and I’ve got this back pain or migraine, etcetera, and I don’t know what I did.” It may be any number of things, but patients want it to be…

How to Choose a Chiropractor.

You wanna know a secret? Not all chiropractic offices are the same. Sometimes bigger is not better. I would rather see a chiropractor who focuses on quality rather than quantity. Here in our office, our patients get a treatment card and then come to the main treatment area that I do most of my work.…

Life is Like a Light

Think of your body as a house. When you bought your first house, chances are you had a few things checked out before you moved in. You inspected the foundation, the water heater, the plumbing, the electrical system, making sure everything is working before making that purchase. Your body is kind of like a house…